Company information

Business name

Artemis Srls

Personal data

Registered office address : Grado (GO), 34073, Via Manzoni, 9

PEC address :

REA number : GO-213265

Tax code and no. sign up to the Company Register : 01269120315

VAT number : 01269120315

Legal form : Simplified limited liability company

The company in numbers

Share capital : euro 9,999.00 fully paid

Members : 1

Administrators : 1

Auditors and supervisory bodies : no

Information from the statute/deed of incorporation

Date of incorporation : 17/01/2024, at the notary's office

Registered in the VENEZIA GIULIA Company Register : Ordinary section from 01/19/2024

Business Register Tax code and registration number : 01269120315

Registration date : 01/19/2024

Sections : Registered in the ORDINARY section on 01/19/2024

Administration system : sole director (in office)

Corporate purpose

The company's object is to carry out the following activities:

- production activity entrusted to third parties, wholesale and retail sales of alcoholic, food and non-food beverages in general;

- organization and supply of catering services for exhibitions, congresses, meetings and conferences at the homes of public and/or private clients, as well as providing for the administration and supply of pre-cooked or vacuum-packed foods for this purpose, also stipulating suitable disciplinary contracts for the provision of the above with private individuals, organizations and/or companies.

It may also carry out all commercial, industrial, movable and real estate operations that are deemed by the administrative body to be necessary or useful for achieving the corporate purpose, including the issuing of sureties and other personal and/or real guarantees both in favor of and on behalf of third parties, even free of charge.

It may also assume, directly or indirectly, but not as a main activity and not for the purposes of placement with the public, interests and shareholdings in other companies or businesses having a similar, similar or connected purpose to its own (with the exclusion of the activities referred to in Legislative Decree No. 58 of 1998, regulating securities brokerage companies), as well as carrying out financial operations solely for the purpose of achieving the main object, with the strict exclusion of activities reserved by law.